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Meet the faces behind ResellersPanel! - Yan Ashton

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  • Meet the faces behind ResellersPanel! - Yan Ashton

    So up first its Yan !! He is the Senior Customer Service Manager who supervises the activities of the Sales & Support Departments and who is geared to solve the most complex issues, so as to ensure proper service delivery around the clock. You may have seen him on the forum as yav0r

    He’s the king of customer engagement and retention and, most of all, he’s the king of smiles! Unfortunately, via the forum online medium we dont get to see faces or expressions and never get to see that side of him. Mostly, he has to step in when someone has a problem and tempers are flared. But to sort out a problem, Yan is your man!!

  • #2
    thanks clivejo, can't wait to see who's next.


    • #3
      You are so welcome Yan!! Its nice to see the guys behind the scenes who are basically holding up our businesses. You are all like ducks, all we see is you gliding gracefully along, but underneath you are paddling away like crazy! *quack quack*


      • #4
        This was a nice write up, clive! I kid of feel bad for Yan now, because now almost everyone who reads this thread will request Yan on every support ticket they file, LOL! Not trying to be that one guy, , just poking a little fun at ya, Yan


        • #5
          This is great! Keep it up with all of your staff.
          Last edited by iads; 12-02-2015, 05:23 AM.


          • #6
            Waving at Yan, I'm with Iads..... keepem coming


            • #7
              If this thread is going to be followed through with, I suggest it be made sticky..... Also I might suggest a new topic for "employee of the month" if RSP does such a thing..

