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  • Subdomains

    I would like to know if i can direct my subdomains to another remote site instead of only in my directory.

    I want to make my life easy and have :
    i.e forward to https://*************

  • #2
    The only way I have been able to do that is to setup the subdomain like you normally would and then publish a page with either a redirect to the specified URL or load the target URL into an iframe.



    • #3
      Yeah that's the only way I've been able to do it.

      My last host had the ability to do this; I'm not sure why RSP doesn't. It certainly does come in handy for things like mail.domain to webmail, store.domain to cafepress, affiliates.domain to rsp affiliate link, etc.


      • #4
        Originally posted by k1nj0
        The only way I have been able to do that is to setup the subdomain like you normally would and then publish a page with either a redirect to the specified URL or load the target URL into an iframe.

        Hello. Could you please explain to me how to do both. I would greatly appreciate that.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bluecheetah
          Hello. Could you please explain to me how to do both. I would greatly appreciate that.
          The easiest way is to use a meta refresh.

          <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh"
          content="10; URL=http://the URL of the second page">

          Place the target URL inbetween the quotes of the Meta tag I pasted above. You can change the number to any number you like. 5 and 10 is a good number to use. Create your subdomain. Create a new page. Paste that Meta tag between your <head></head> tags. Give your page a view and the page will redirect you to the specified URL in however many seconds you specified.


          • #6
            Thanks for your very nice explanation.
            Is there anyway the subdomain could be masked. i.e stay in the browser.?


            • #7
              With a frame. I think this will work:

              HTML Code:
              <frameset cols="*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0">
                  <frame name="webmail" src="WEBMAIL URL" scrolling="auto">
                Your browser doesn't support frames. Please update it.

