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Hardware Maintenance of Virtua Server Scheduled

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  • Niko
    Virtua Undergoing Final Maintenance

    We’d like to let you know that we are in the final stage of resolving the Virtua server issue. The server was brought back online yesterday without any data losses, after a time-consuming RAID-rebuilding procedure with downtime consequences for our VPS clients. Due to persisting technical difficulties, however, the RAID re-setup was completed with partial success and although the server was online, the HDDs were functioning with inappropriately high resource consumption. For that reason, we have initiated a final RAID-rebuilding procedure that will take about 1 hour and will surely eliminate all negative consequences of the initial maintenance and will make the server work at full capacity.

    Once again, we’d like to apologize for all the inconveniences caused and to use the chance to mention that all resellers affected by the Virtua server issue will be compensated with the addition of a free month to their subscription with ResellersPanel.

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  • Niko
    Virtua Server Maintenance still in progress

    We'd like to inform you that the Virtua server maintenance procedure exceeded the pre-announced time frame and is now still in progress due to unexpected technical complications. The HDD replacement passed successfully, however the follow-up RAID rebuilding turned out to be much more time-consuming than it was expected. Our administrators have now devoted all their efforts and expertise to the successful completion of the procedure of restoring the original increased output/input performance and data reliability of the VPS hosting server's HDDs configuration.

    The procedure will be followed by a routine File System Check, aimed at detecting and eliminating the eventual problems that might arise in consequence of the RAID rebuilding procedure. The complexity of the situation causes a prolonged maintenance time durations. In our administrators' estimation - the two procedures will need several more hours, for to be completed in a way that any further negative consequences to be prevented.

    We'd like to apologize for all the inconveniences caused to you by the few hours downtime and to assure you that no data will be lost during the procedures.

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  • Milen
    started a topic Hardware Maintenance of Virtua Server Scheduled

    Hardware Maintenance of Virtua Server Scheduled

    The Technical Department of ResellersPanel would like to inform you that hardware maintenance has been scheduled for one of our VPS hosting servers – Virtua, to take place tomorrow, March 13th, 2008, at 9AM GMT (4AM EST) with a 30 minutes downtime.

    The procedure will include replacement of one of the server HDDs (Hard Disk Drives) with a new one, which will significantly improve the working performance of the server. For full performance boost, though, a second hard disk drive of the server set of HDDs will have to be replaced as well, after the first one has been successfully confirmed as upgraded. At that point, we cannot say with certainty when this follow-up procedure is going to take place. The information from our USA Data Center is, that it might be scheduled for a later hour on the same day, after the first stage of the maintenance has been confirmed as successfully passed. We shall give you more details, as soon as we have accurate information about the exact date and time of the second maintenance.

    Please, accept our apologies for the inconveniences you might encounter during the short downtime. Please, mind that we carry out all maintenance procedures with the sole purpose of ensuring better quality of our server network – the backbone of our revolutionary reseller hosting system.