So in my spare time, I've been poking around WHM - which has changed a lot since my account was moved from Altar 3 to Altar 5. And I discovered a pretty cool feature: Web Template Editor.
For those of you who don't know, this allows you to edit all of those web page placeholder pages like the Suspended Account page, the Connection Redirect page, the Account Move page and the Default Website page.
This is all pretty cool, except for one thing: I can't seem to get the Default Website Template to work. I had a test account at I deleted the account and, according to the documentation, the Default Website template should be displayed for accounts that have been deleted or directed to the server but are not yet set up on the server.
It doesn't seem to work. I still get the boring (and I think confusing) default cPanel welcome page.
Any ideas on what I did wrong? I really don't care enough to submit a trouble ticket, but I love the idea of branding that page.
As always,
~ Kyle
For those of you who don't know, this allows you to edit all of those web page placeholder pages like the Suspended Account page, the Connection Redirect page, the Account Move page and the Default Website page.
This is all pretty cool, except for one thing: I can't seem to get the Default Website Template to work. I had a test account at I deleted the account and, according to the documentation, the Default Website template should be displayed for accounts that have been deleted or directed to the server but are not yet set up on the server.
It doesn't seem to work. I still get the boring (and I think confusing) default cPanel welcome page.
Any ideas on what I did wrong? I really don't care enough to submit a trouble ticket, but I love the idea of branding that page.
As always,
~ Kyle