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Creating hosting packages in Cpanel Unlimited plan

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  • Creating hosting packages in Cpanel Unlimited plan


    I have just signed up for an Cpanel Unlimited Plan in order to evaluate RSP services.

    I have created a new hosting package from WHM with 2GB disk space and called it for Starter. Then I have created a new hosting account using the Starter package. BUT the new account gets unlimited resources of everyting!

    So I have contacted RSP support, here is the feedback I have got:

    Since you are using the Unlimited resellers plan then you have unlimited space for your accounts and thus the quotas are set to be unlimited as well.
    The unlimited reseller plan will automatically create any sub-accounts with unlimited quota.

    Unfortunately it will not be possible to both have unlimited space available and limited quotas.
    Does anybody else have any experience with this? Its weird that I can only offer one single hosting package (Unlimited) to my customer using this RSP Cpanel Unlimited plan. For me it sounds like a misconfigured cpanel server.

  • #2
    My experience with cpanel, I had a unlimited account with Justho*t, is what ever limits and features you set for a plan in whm is what the plan gets... never heard of a cpanel reseller plan that all you could create were unlimited accounts.... Can you vary the amount of emails, mysql and such per plan? RSP may have whm configured to where you can only offer unlimited space / bandwidth somehow but I have never heard of it.... I would follow up on that ticket and escalate it for a better explanation...


    • phoenix69
      phoenix69 commented
      Editing a comment
      I have been using cpanel reseller plans from different companies for many years, I also never heard of such a limitation. Thank you for sharing your experience.

    • doneritehosting
      doneritehosting commented
      Editing a comment
      Most welcome phoenix, GL with the business and you shouldn't have any problems with RSP's services, they deliver

  • #3
    Hello phoenix69 and welcome to the forum!
    "Since you are using the Unlimited resellers plan then you have unlimited space for your accounts and thus the quotas are set to be unlimited as well. "

    - Nope, nope, nope, not true!

    Since the Server for the Unlimited plans is fairly new, we had to run the fix quotas script.

    The problem is resolved now.

    Do check again please!

    If you need further assistance - do not hesitate to contact us again.

    Best Regards,


    • #4
      Thanks Tom for following up on this and clarifying the issue, as I stated in a previous post great to see you in here


      • #5

        No problem - it was an issue on our end anyway.

        It is great to see you too!

        Best Regards,


        • #6
          Hi Tom,

          Thank you for following up this, you are correct, all accounts shows now correct quotas based on the selected hosting package. Great! Thank you.


          • #7

            It is great to hear that!

            Thank you for the feedback.

            Best Regards,

