If you are using your rep template and are sending traffic to it STOP now you are not getting credit for all your efforts they are going to that domain name only not to your reseller template domain. they are going to (douservers) I have spelled it wrong on perpose all your link building all your traffic is getting credited to that domain name look at (Alexia.com) at your template and it will show you just douserves. So all your effort is for nothing I AM STOPPING ALL TRAFFIC TO MY TEMPLATE, I dont think it is right that I have been building someone else business because of a mistake by rsp to let them have that domain. I think any sales made should be devided amoung all the free resellers that have been building traffic I have sent thousans of hits to my site and it is getting credited to them and that is plain wrong. I will be working tonight to remove them from all the traffic exchanges banner exchanges and start removing from Fourms I belong to .
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If you are using your resllerspanel template Don't Use Traffic Exchanges Dont build l
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Hey Chris I think this is just plain wrong
I have been sending traffic to my resellers template submiting to search engines and building links and they are reaping the rewards for all my hard work . Just building there search engine rank thats wrong rsp should have looked out for there resellers and held that domain name
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As already noted by iPhone, you should use your own domain name for your website template and not the temporary sub-domain provided in the reseller account, if you are serious about building a web hosting business. The ********** sub-domain is only a Temporary URL, as stated in the reseller control panel, which is intended for Temporary use while you are still setting up your reseller account and getting acquainted with its options.
When you have your own domain name, all links on the website template use your domain name, thus all traffic is logged to your own domain name and not **********. This is how search engines and their traffic statistics work in general.
I looked and didn't see anything about a temp. domain name where is that at. I looked in terms and the domain manager for the store it did say to register one for unique-ness .....What I am saying is one guy is beenafiting from the free resellers efforts by making his site look bigger and growing as new resellers start to promote their free resellers template. Helping his site rank better it adds pages and traffic to his site rank in search engine results and there is no way for the free resellers to make a commision from promoting the site.And he is getting more for the same money than the rest of the Paid resellers. And there are a lot of people using the free supplied url.
What we are talking about here folks is SEO
And I am serious Lousia or I would have not put in all the deadicated effort trying to get this off the ground. I have put a lot of work into it. micro-pish was as close to a computer as you could get when I was growing up.