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BlacK hat SEO

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  • BlacK hat SEO

    hi my self shruti I want to know about black hat seo.

  • #2
    Blackhat SEO

    In simple and sort Blackhat SEO is about getting higher search rankings in an unethical manner.


    • #3
      I give some name of the Black Hat Technique Invisible text,Cloaking,Keyword Stuffing and Doorway pages.


      • #4
        Black hat SEO: These are method which are not considered to be good by search. A black hat SEO firm may use software to create doorway pages.


        • #5
          Black Hat SEO tactics are practices used by unethical SEO companies, and online marketing sites to trick search engines into giving them a higher ranking than they deserve.


          • #6
            Any tactic that makes optimizing a site to rank higher than its content would otherwise justify, or changes made specifically for search engines that do not improve the user experience of the site. In other words, the optimizations that are against search engine guidelines. If you step too far in the mark, your site can be penalized or even removed from the index.


            • #7
              Black hat practitioners tend to see search engine optimization as a war, and search engines as the enemy to be beaten by all means fair or foul. Cloaking ,Keywrod Stuffing,Hidden Text,Dorway Page are best Black Hat SEO technique.


              • #8
                Black hat practitioners tend to see search engine optimization as a war, and search engines as the enemy to be beaten by all means fair or foul.


                • #9
                  Black hat methods are different tactics which are not allowed by the search engines.Blackhat SEO is primarily about cheating search engines.SEO black hat search engine violates the rules.useful to giving higher ranking to the website.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nancyfitzpat View Post
                    Black hat practitioners tend to see search engine optimization as a war, and search engines as the enemy to be beaten by all means fair or foul. Cloaking ,Keywrod Stuffing,Hidden Text,Dorway Page are best Black Hat SEO technique.
                    LOL. this makes me laugh War anyone?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by alessitimothy View Post
                      I give some name of the Black Hat Technique Invisible text,Cloaking,Keyword Stuffing and Doorway pages.
                      actually Shruti i don't recommend Black hat techniques but if you want to know more about this the you can read


                      • #12
                        Black hat SEO can achieve high rankings but it is a high-risk strategy and at the drop of a hat, your website can be banned or penalised by Search Engines.


                        • #13
                          Black hat marketing is immoral. This is a search engine is difficult to distinguish between individual, the black hat SEO is the application. Participants can play a role, reports the black hat search engine marketing, who in turn will prohibit or punish the website. Although the risk of prohibition, marketers can still go to the black hat marketing, because it helps to enhance the position of the search results page.


                          • #14
                            Black Hat SEO is a way for illigle in the SEO to get the traffic and regulation of the SEO sites,blackhat focused on winning more money without offering any useful value,its to give more importance to website,black hat SEO tactics are the practices of ethical SEO firms .
                            Dreambox HD


                            • #15
                              Blackhat SEO

                              You take chances when you use blackhat seo practices; yes you may achieve higher ranking for certain keywords, but this may only last for a short term until the search engines find out.

