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Neebie what do you think guys?
Well just go threw and make a custom site. With a custom site your are more likely to have customers that come to your site and really buy hosting not just stop and go. Best of luck to ya
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hi all again
i made the home plan as i know fast host the uk's largest hosting company offer hosting for 3.99 so i was going on what pricing fasthost are using but £1cheaper on all packages and regards to best value i dont know how to move the best value image to any other packages. Also what prices do you think i should set and you think the package names are ok. I dont want to set the prices to high and scare away clients becuase remember you got to pay for the full year upfront.
I know the domian is now working just been on it and added to the dmoz directory and google yahoo and msn alos some small search engines
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May I know why the Home plan is the best value plan? Since the space, bandwidth as well as all other resources are far lower than the Business plan,but just 1 pound differents...
Which point(s) has show the best value?
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Well, the URL is working here.
As for your pricing, I personally like the "Home" plan while others are too low and seems like overselling to potential clients.
P/S: Why isn't there any header?
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Domain active now
ok to make it easier for you all the recieved a call to say domain is now active so you can access the site here now
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Neebie what do you think guys?
Hi all im new to the webhosting business so what do you think to
www.**********.com/?r=undercoverleeds do you think the pricing and site name are both ok also any ideas on anything i could change. Also i have registered the domain with resellers panel but still not active?????? any ideas says domain not verfiyed yet????? well hope you can all help and any ideas or suggestions would be great as i would love to make some extra money from this as when it comes to advertising in search engines ect thats were im good as i get get sites very high up in seach results. Also how much do you all believe i could earn from this business as i have heard people saying they can make close to £200 a month???????? i would be happy with just £50 lol also were its coming ******* in my domian name its duo servers without the spaceTags: None
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