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How Many Clients?

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  • How Many Clients?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong area...

    Anyone have over 5000 clients? Over 1000 clients? I am just setting up my custom store and wondering if these targets are realistic after say, 1 year in business. Of course I have a marketing plan and a plan to target a niche market.


  • #2
    I wish !! But go for it, don't let anyone discourage you. Work your plan and let us know how it goes.


    • #3
      I wish too.

      If you have the right marketing strategy and the time to implement it there is no reason why you can't achieve these numbers.

      Good Luck.


      • #4
        Originally posted by nycatalina View Post
        Sorry if this is in the wrong area...

        Anyone have over 5000 clients? Over 1000 clients? I am just setting up my custom store and wondering if these targets are realistic after say, 1 year in business. Of course I have a marketing plan and a plan to target a niche market.

        With the right marketing its possible. I found more luck using a custom reseller but if you want to reach 1000+ clients in the first year you will want to advertise locally.

        Get posted in around 6 newspapers in your town and others, Join hosting sites and if you want to spend some money try buying cheap banner space on webhosting related sites.


        • #5
          It's definitely possible to get over 1,000 clients, even with RSP - just focus on a niche. This could be local, sports team fans, members of a club/business, etc...


          • #6
            Originally posted by The Stealthy One View Post
            It's definitely possible to get over 1,000 clients, even with RSP - just focus on a niche. This could be local, sports team fans, members of a club/business, etc...
            Yep.... you giving me a few suggestions helped me get clients lol.


            • #7
              I didn't think that it was either of these. I just thought that it was clients. But if i had to choose, i think that it would be clients.


              • #8
                This will be different for every practice. What matters really isn't the number of clients, per se, but whether you're accomplishing what you want and need to with your practice. "Too many" clients may just mean that it's time to expand your practice and bring on some help, or start taking on higher value, but lower volume work. "Too few" clients may mean that you aren't charging appropriately for your services or you aren't effectively marketing yourself.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nycatalina View Post
                  Sorry if this is in the wrong area...

                  Anyone have over 5000 clients? Over 1000 clients? I am just setting up my custom store and wondering if these targets are realistic after say, 1 year in business. Of course I have a marketing plan and a plan to target a niche market.

                  Yes you can definitely achieve this target if you properly implement your business !!!


                  • #10
                    interested in sports, but here I am having trouble understanding the language, must be a different language options on the site.

