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What is Autoblogging? (basically)

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  • What is Autoblogging? (basically)

    Basically, the concept behind an autoblog is that it takes material from other sites when they’ve been updated, and automatically places it upon your site.

    Before just taking content from other sites, there are copyright issues that should be taken into consideration. Overall, make sure the RSS feeds you are taking content from allow syndication in the first place.


    1.) Bring in nice income (if done correctly) with possibly little effort after laying the groundwork.
    2.) Will help you to promote other sites and/or blogs that you may have in your marketing arsenal.
    3.) You can link yourself with all the different blogs that you setup. For example; link blog A to blog B, then blog B to C, then C to D, and this process can be done for as long as desired in a chain.
    4.) The linking of various blogs will definitely help with SEO, although link building outside of the network will bring in most of the “link juice”.
    5.) You can also use your autoblogs to feed to a main site, and this will definitely help tremendously in regards to SEO.


    1.) In the beginning, time should be spent (a few hours) to setup these sites
    2.) Approximately a day or two following the initial work should be dedicated to link building and promoting.

    The numbers game for autoblogs is pretty simple. If you have about 100 of them setup, and each one makes $1 or $2 a day, then you can come to an approximation of about how autoblogs can produce a sustainable income in the course of time.

  • #2
    I've been successful at it I use this software where it writes the articles for me. If your looking for a software try this one out I've used this what is offers is

    * Build backlinks from popular WEB 2.0 sites
    * Build a link-wheel or schedule a link-wheel to automatically assemble over a period of time
    * Save your article and work on it later if you wish
    * Add unlimited wordpress sites to post on within my software
    * Mass Blog Poster fully randomizes the order of your blog posts and times of day
    * It will randomize the order of sites your posts are made, NO FOOTPRINT left behind!
    * Understands spin tags and posts spon articles
    * Mass Blog Poster is the safest SEO software
    what is offers is

    * Build backlinks from popular WEB 2.0 sites
    * Build a link-wheel or schedule a link-wheel to automatically assemble over a period of time
    * Save your article and work on it later if you wish
    * Add unlimited wordpress sites to post on within my software
    * Mass Blog Poster fully randomizes the order of your blog posts and times of day
    * It will randomize the order of sites your posts are made, NO FOOTPRINT left behind!
    * Understands spin tags and posts spon articles
    * Mass Blog Poster is the safest SEO software


    • #3
      A while back I mentioned the word “autoblogging” on my website, which got several people confused. Autoblogging is not a blog about cars, although an “auto blog” may mean exactly that. Autoblogging is a term I use to describe automated blogs and automated blogging. In other words, instead of the usual method of writing the content yourself, or pasting articles from article sites manually, you can actually automate the content and linking for your blogs. What it takes is the correct mindset, the correct method and the correct tools.

      1) The Mindset of An Autoblogger

      Firstly, an autoblogger has to learn to manage expectations. No matter how good you get at autoblogging, you’re never going to produce high quality sites that attract a loyal fan-base using autoblogging methods. Nothing beats content that is original and written by a human being.

      That being said, the wise autoblogger knows that all he really needs from one of his “autoblogs” is a few hundred to a few thousand visitors a month, and just one or two ways of turning those visitors into a profitable revenue stream.

      If he can achieve this, his blog would be considered a success! He then moves on to a different blog, probably on a totally different topic or niche.

      2) How To Blog Automatically

      The method most people know is republishing content from RSS feeds. The only problem is that most of these people use the same RSS sources everyone else is using. They grab RSS feeds from news sites, PR sites and blog listings like Google’s Blogsearch or Technorati.

      Needless to say, it doesn’t work very well. RSS is now a fully developed technology, and you’ll be surprised to find that forums, directories, regular websites and even online groups have their own RSS feeds. All you really need to do is figure out a concept for using these feeds, and then create your autoblog.

      Besides using RSS feeds, articles are also a good way of adding content to your blogs. However, unless you’re doing this automatically, the amount of time spent copying articles and pasting them into your blog may not be worth your time.

      Another autoblogging tactic is using data feeds from affiliate networks, and posting them into blog posts with your affiliate ID included. Unlike using RSS feeds from blogs, people don’t get annoyed when you do this.

      3) Autoblogging Tools

      Let start with the hosting. If you’re autoblogging, one blog is not enough. You’ll need to create and manage a handful of blogs at the same time. Therefore, you need some sort of reseller or VPS (Virtual Private Server) that can handle many domains and individual accounts for each blog.

      Next comes the blogging platform. As far as autoblogging goes, nothing comes even close to WordPress, an open-source blogging software that you can use on your own domains, and modify as you see fit.

      One of the most important tools you’ll need is an “RSS feed aggregator” like or other similar software. An aggregator is the key to almost all autoblogging techniques, as most other applications like article posting and data feed posting requires it.

      To expand your blog’s traffic exponentially, you’ll also need a language translator script installed on your autoblogs. Having this script will instantly multiply your traffic and earnings without any extra work on your part.

      Lastly, you’ll also need a social bookmarking script that automatically submits your new blog posts to like Submitting you posts to social bookmarking sites is still a good way to get your blogs indexed and ranked in the search engines.


      • #4
        Auto Blogging is the term we use to automatically create content for blogs, rather than manually writing each post. If AutoBlogged, you can create messages based on content from another RSS feed. As you can get an RSS feed on almost anything, you can easily find content to add automatically to your blog.


        • #5
          Atuoblogging is a term used to automatically create the content of blogs instead of actually writing the newsletter. Under the program, you can access the contents of RSS, other blogs, and even elements.


          • #6
            Well,Auto blogging is the term we use to automatically create content for blogs, as opposed to manually write individual messages. In the case of AutoBlogged, you can create messages based on content from another RSS feed.


            • #7
              Yes, all these are automated...... then how would solve issue of fresh content.


              • #8
                Thanks for giving me information on the advancement in search marketing......

                I keep looking for this kind of stuff.


                • #9
                  Hello Friends........

                  An “AutoBlog” is a blog, either blogger or Word Press, which runs automatically. You only need to create it one time, add certain plug-ins to it which will deliver content 24/7, add auto-bookmark and ping….and you just set it and forget it.



                  • #10
                    Autoblogging is a term used to describe blogs automated and automated blogs. Blog writing is usual to find ideas for content and subject matter, the assimilation of information, to read and understand this information and put out an article of your choice.


                    • #11
                      Autoblogging is the term we use to automatically create the content of blogs, instead of writing individual messages manually. For AutoBlogged, you can create messages based on content from another RSS feed.


                      • #12
                        Auto Blogging is the term we use to automatically create blog content, unlike the handwriting of individual posts. Blogged when it comes to cars, you can create a post based on the contents of the second RSS feed. Why do I get the RSS feed anything, you can easily find the content automatically added to the Wordpress blog. For example, you can get a feed for Google Blog Search, which returns the articles written by other bloggers on a particular topic.


                        • #13
                          Auto Blogging is a term I use to describe blogs and automatic method blogging.The most people know is the republishing of RSS content. The only problem is that most of these people use the same RSS feed everyone uses.


                          • #14
                            Autoblogging is a practice widely used Internet marketing to promote your affiliate products and make money. A serious problem of having a system running auto blog duplicate content, it is not necessarily bad for SEO wise but the problem begins when the content starts scraping range above the original page content.


                            • #15
                              Autoblogging is a practice widely used in Internet marketing to promote their affiliate products and earn cash. You can create messages based on content from another RSS feed. Autoblogs are useful for many things, but they are a good way to track items in a global niche for your blog.

