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Increase page PR

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  • asifarasool
    Great info. Thanks.

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  • dana franklin
    You can participate in social media website too. You can create and increase your fan page to gain more and more loyal customers.

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  • ankur
    You forgot a point. Quality Hand written unique content on website. Lots of content.
    I have sen blogs where a team wrote everything by hand. Their blog didnt had any backlink but they got PR3 just because of quality of content.

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  • martinsherman
    Page rank can be increased by having other websites link to your content.
    If you create interesting content more people will visit your site and those people visiting your site will raise the page rank leading to even more people to visit.

    All the Best!!

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  • NileLars

    Try to link your web page with high page rank web directories with Do Follow link relation. With do follow link relation, you can have an advantage of link juice and you will increase page rank of your webpage.

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  • clivejo
    What do you mean by an 'authority site'?

    How do you find out a 'sites weight'?

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  • addy80
    i am agree with you.these all SEO campaign have beneficial for increasing backlinks.**** remember that google like authority sites..try to build authority sites..don'nt focus on high page rank sites only check its weight also..don't build links there where have 100 of outbound links.

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  • larryfinch
    All in all, it is about how to build backlinks on high PR and dofollow page. But find the right sources is difficult.

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  • williamluke1
    Nice information. Always try to generate backlink from high page rank sites no matter you are doing blog commenting, forums posting, or social book marking, what ever.

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  • Steve Smith
    Post Fresh and unique content in website and blogs and articles. except that submission in high PR websites like directory submission, social bookmarking, article and blog submission. By following these SEO techniques your website can get better PR rank.

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  • casydave
    Informative techniques,just make sure you increase backlinks on quality or well-optimized sites not go with just bulk backlinking.

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  • tcl
    started a topic Increase page PR

    Increase page PR

    Here are some tips for increase page rank.....
    1 Join forums
    2 Submit to search engine directories
    3 Using ezine ads and newsletters
    4 Creating and publishing articles
    5 Links from related websites
    i think of you follow all these tips you can surely increase your page rank
