This is great as it gives me the opportunity to set up fields to gather potential client info, and gives the site visitor an easier way to contact you.
I generally set up most fields as *compulsory* and the phone field as *not compulsory*.
Fields I create:
* name
* comment/suggestion
* and other fields depending on the website's purpose
I am also using this at the moment on two websites where I have competitions, and extra info is required.
I've also used it as a booking form for attendees for a class [where no payment is made on that page].
I stopped using the premade Contact page as I didn't like the way it was presented.
* the form will work as long as you have set up an email name in the Email Manager of the control panel [this can even be an alias to forward to another email name at a different domain]
* using a form avoids posting an email name on a webpage where it can be "farmed" [copied] and used for spam and sold to mailing lists - I now avoid using email names on ALL website pages