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Difference between HTML 4.01 & HTML 5

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  • Difference between HTML 4.01 & HTML 5

    Can anyone please tell me what is the difference between HTML 4.01 and HTML 5. I have learned HTML 4.01 , will it be helpful to learn HTML 5

  • #2
    Hello jmsmrtn98,

    You can find an extensive list of the differences between HTML5 from HTML4 here:

    The differences are mainly in syntax, changed and new attributes, etc. You shouldn't have much trouble with HTML5 if you already know HTML4 once you double-check what exactly has been changed and added.


    • #3
      There're some major changes. For instance they add a video element so you don't have to embed videos. It supports flash and many other video formats. Any format that it doesn't support still would need to use the embed tag.

      HTML 5 is pointless right now. If you use HTML5 it is only supported with just new web browsers. It won't work on older web browsers. Same goes with mobile web browsers. The new phones and web browsers support html5.

      I myself do know html4 and html5. However, so far haven't use html5 with my own websites. I don't plan on using it until I need too. The newer web browsers still support html4. So if you use html4 currently it still usable with newer browsers and older ones. I would suggest to keep using html4 until you really need to use html5. There are also some things that got dropped off in html5 from html4 like some tags and some attributes which are no longer supported. The newer web browsers still can use html4 and html5 but if you use html5 do understand that some tags and tributes are no longer supported by html5. So you can't use them in html5. They would either have a special new tag or another way to get the same effect as before.

      Hope this helps.

      Here is an article on the major differences:

      Now that we've seen how to use some of the newer whiz-bang features of the draft HTML5 standard, it's time to take a few steps back and take a look at

