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  • Psd

    Is there another way to edit a PSD file if you don't have PhotoShop?

  • #2
    unfortunately no. That is the "Photoshop" extension.



    • #3
      Actually, there are a few programmes now that can I believe, but I'm not totally sure.

      I think GIMP might be able to though - if you want the Windows version you can find it at


      • #4
        If I have the files to create a website how do you implement the HTML APIs? I understand how to change text but not add HTML to custom sites. If someone could provide me free help that would be great. I understand that it is in a seperate layer or something but don't understand how it works or how to do it.


        • #5
          By the way I was trying to edit some text using GIMP but couldn't figure out how. Like text that is already in a layer, but it wouldn't let me and I cannot find any good information on how to anywhere. So I guess I'm basically screwed with out PS to actually edit anything.


          • #6
            Originally posted by TylerGillen View Post
            By the way I was trying to edit some text using GIMP but couldn't figure out how. Like text that is already in a layer, but it wouldn't let me and I cannot find any good information on how to anywhere. So I guess I'm basically screwed with out PS to actually edit anything.
            Ah, upon further investigation, it appears that GIMP does not support the text layer in a PSD - sorry


            • #7
              Thats alright thanks for your time. I guess I will have to stick to RSP templates.


              • #8
                download a photoshop tryout version.. then finish your work before the 30 days trial expires


                • #9
                  Well when I was thinking ahead what happens when I need to edit the website? As I cannot reinstall the trial version as it blocks it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TylerGillen View Post
                    Well when I was thinking ahead what happens when I need to edit the website? As I cannot reinstall the trial version as it blocks it.
                    You should code most of the text in plain HTML, that way you won't have to edit the images everytime you need to change something.

                    Only text in logo's and things that most likely won't need to be changed should be kept as images (e.g. text with a special font face etc.). This will reduce the overall size in KB of your size too, which is a good thing


                    • #11
                      Paint Shop Pro can handle .psd files, although with some limitations.



                      • #12
                        Oh, okay. The thought of building it seems to be kinda of hard. I guess once you dive in it will feel different, I hope. Is Paint Shop Pro free?


                        • #13
                          No, Paint Shop Pro is not free software. But it's much cheaper than Photoshop. You can get it for less than a hundred bucks.



                          • #14
                            Just get a crack for photoshop. Thats what I did. It's way to expensive to buy in the store.



                            • #15
                              Daniel, I would not encourage anyone to use pirated software and do not approve of posts encouraging anyone to do so either. If you think that PhotoShop is too expensive there enough solutions that are cheaper (like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements, for example) or even free (like GIMP) that cover the abasic functionality of PhotoShop. GIMP might not be able to edit the text layer of PSD files, but it is not less powerful or less functional than PhotoShop by any means. Furthermore, many software development companies offer educational versions of their software that are typically much cheaper or even free in some cases. These educational versions should not be used for commercial purposes, but are an excellent tool for learning. As far as I remember both Tyler and you are students, so perhaps you should check whether Adobe provides educational versions (or educational price rates) for their software.

