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Jetpack Comments Plugin Substitute

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  • Jetpack Comments Plugin Substitute

    Jetpack comments plugin is not working with the reseller panel wordpress plugin.

    Has anybody found a substitute plugin that would allow people to use social media and gmail to login to post comments that will work with RPWP?


  • #2
    I wouldn't say its not working with the RSP plug-in, just the current version of it!

    I'm still using the previous version so haven't had any of these problems. Would anyone have a test install I could have a look at?


    • #3
      I just tried the social comment function of jetpack also with no success using rsp plugin version 1.30 . I would do a test install with plugin version 1.20 but I do not have a copy of that anymore.

      If you have a copy of 1.20 could you please send it to me email?

      Skeeter is using rsp plugin 1.3.0 not 1.4.0 , I sent him a download link for it


      • #4
        Id like to take a look at it, see if I could figure out the problem.


        • #5
          Originally posted by doneritehosting View Post
          I just tried the social comment function of jetpack also with no success using rsp plugin version 1.30 . I would do a test install with plugin version 1.20 but I do not have a copy of that anymore.

          If you have a copy of 1.20 could you please send it to me email?

          Skeeter is using rsp plugin 1.3.0 not 1.4.0 , I sent him a download link for it
          I have 1.2, Ill email it to you.


          • #6
            I think the problem is that the RSP plug-in has built in SEO hooking into the pages. Your other plugins also hook into these pages to provide functions and there is a conflict.

            Have you tried installing WP, then your other plugin's and then RSP plugin last?


            • #7
              Have you tried installing WP, then your other plugin's and then RSP plugin last?

              Yep.. Did not work. SEO by Yeost is working when I installed 1.3.0 and deactivated 1.4 and Jetpack stats are working as well. Those were the important two. I can live without the social login. I don't know if users can though

              I have another blog that users use the social login more times than not to post comments.

              But it's only comments. Nice but not absolutely necessary.

