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3Box Theme

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  • 3Box Theme

    Theme is looking good and updates are appreciated, good job!
    We still need the banner in WebHosting to be changed: the word organisation should read organization. Also could we remove the Secondary Navigation: menu to only show when we have something there. No items listed should cause the menu to be invisible?

    Thanks for all the hard work...

  • #2
    Originally posted by Chef View Post
    the word organisation should read organization.
    That depends where you're from, it's right for me.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chef View Post
      .... the word organisation ........
      That spelling is correct for virtually every English speaking country in the world, with one or two minor exceptions


      • #4
        I disagree. I'd say "major" exceptions.


        • #5
          I honestly don't see that as much of a problem. I don't think many Americans would care. I have come to this conclusion after reading this page on the Exabyte Website: . The grammar is not good at all, but Exabytes is a very popular host, even in the U.S. So, I don't think most Americans care.

          Of course, I could be wrong.


          • #6
            If they're so popular, I suggest you don't type their domain name here, lest people who are searching for them stumble upon us...


            • #7
              Worry wart.

              Seriously, do you understand what I mean? The grammar on that page is not very good, but it makes people feel Ok about the service, evidenced by the fact that there are so many users.


              • #8
                From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

                American and British English spelling differences

                American spelling accepts only -ize endings in most cases, such as organize, recognize, and realize. British usage accepts both -ize and the more French-looking -ise (organise, recognise, realise).

                However, the -ize spelling is now rarely used in the UK in the mass media and newspapers, and is hence often incorrectly regarded as an Americanism, despite being preferred by some authoritative British sources, including Fowler's Modern English Usage and the Oxford English Dictionary, which until recently did not list the -ise form of many individual words, even as an alternative.

                Indeed, it firmly deprecates this usage, stating, "[T]he suffix…, whatever the element to which it is added, is in its origin the Gr[eek] -ιζειν, L[atin] -izāre; and, as the pronunciation is also with z, there is no reason why in English the special French spelling in -iser should be followed, in opposition to that which is at once etymological and phonetic." Noah Webster rejected -ise for the same reasons.....

                As do I -


                • #9
                  Personally I would think it would make the site look uneducated but not many people read the about page to tell you the truth. I only read it if I have no clue what the site is but I wouldn't think Organization would be that big of mis-spelling but here in the USA it would be caught as a typo.


                  • #10
                    To sum up: this is not a typo, just British English spelling variant.

                    However, I do agree that consistent spelling variants should be used throughout the templates and if a template uses American English spelling elsewhere, this banner should do so as well. I will pass a not to the Marketing and Development departments to change the spelling for this one.


                    • #11
                      about us -> who are we?

                      I have weird text on the first line....

                      OUR MISSION
                      It may sound unbelievable but the majority of the big companies in the web hosting business usually don’t invest much in the development of new technologies. Instead they rely on 3rd party solutions and software.

                      but it looks ok on here... the ( ' ) in the word ( don't ) is a weird looking text.

                      i dont know if it is just a setting or what but it looks funny


                      • #12
                        dynoweb, in the default text this phrase has been changed to the full form ( do not). Update the text in this field by clicking on the Default Text button in the The "OUR MISSION" Section on the About Us tab of the Website Template section of your reseller control panel, if you plan on using the default text or edit the text in the relevant field, if you want to customize it. Please, note that it can take some 30-60 minutes until the templates are updated on the server and the changes are reflected on your reseller store.


                        • #13
                          More 3Box

                          Looks like they changed the whole banner so that's cool. They changed the menu so it now reads "shortcuts", not a fix but ok I'll take it.

                          Next is the news under position 1 on the main page. Makes the site look like it's always having trouble and not projecting a reliable hosting company. Post news to those who are clients and understand on-going good service, not those shopping for affordable and reliable hosting. It doesn't need to be there. Maybe allow us to use that space for our own specials, etc, or use it for demo products and services, not news, bad for biz there.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Chef View Post
                            Next is the news under position 1 on the main page. Makes the site look like it's always having trouble and not projecting a reliable hosting company. Post news to those who are clients and understand on-going good service, not those shopping for affordable and reliable hosting. It doesn't need to be there. Maybe allow us to use that space for our own specials, etc, or use it for demo products and services, not news, bad for biz there.
                            Chef, I understand your point, however, it is debatable. There are many web hosting customers who would like to have easy access to information on scheduled server maintenance events.


                            • #15
                              Exactly my point. "Hosting Customers" need access to this information and appreciate news, etc to keep them informed. The front page, which is setup for advertising and marketing hosting solutions, is not geared toward customers but shoppers. Shoppers don't want news about servers being down and their hosting company moving their sites and files around. This shows un-reliability not reliable hosting services. People know these things need to be done and customers appreciate it and like to know. Shoppers want reliable steady hosting. The news projects a negative picture.

                              Just pointing it out, keep it or move it no matter, just a thought to consider..

