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ZEND Optimizer v2.xx needed!

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  • ZEND Optimizer v2.xx needed!

    Hi RSP guys

    Is there any chance for ZEND ver.2 or higher to be installed on SS20 and SS21? I need to install VN2 ecommerce package for two of my customers on both servers. It doesn't work with the one we have at the moment (1.3.0)

    Thank you

  • #2
    I was just looking from within my account but got an message that I was not authorized to see the perl modules and the php info page is just an blank page?

    But I think Zend Engine v1.3.0 is the latest, they just did not installed the Zend Optimizer v2.5.7.
    Hope they will
    Last edited by Guest; 28-03-2005, 11:07 PM.


    • #3
      You're right. The engine is there but Optimizer is missing.


      • #4
        Zend Optimizer is not installed on our web hosting servers and our system administrators have no plans for installing it.


        • #5
          Thanks for your reply

          To be honest, you’ve made me sad and a bit angry with myself. I did not check before I joined if the ZEND Optimizer is installed on your servers. Now, it makes my (only?) life as a reseller more difficult and impossible to continue for a long time on your servers if I think about providing a professional service.

          Maybe you know or not, but ZO is in common use for a long time and delivers two the most important things in the PHP world:

          • Enables users to run files encoded by the Zend Encoder
          • Increases runtime performance up to 40%

          Now, what you’re saying is that you do not consider installing ZO on RSP servers. As far as I know and other will discover it very soon we will NOT BE ABLE to install following ecommerce programs and most professionally made scripts:

          • X-Cart and X-Cart Lite
          • SunShop
          • TC VN2 /build on OS-Commerce/
          …and many more.

          So, forget people about professional e-commerce websites. Go for some free, unprotected and not always well supported products. I can only tell you by my experience – you will be paying much more for free soft in the future.

          We will not be able to install some of the professional CMS portals, Realty Portals and other software, which have the source code protected and well optimized for speed. I just bought two scripts for my existing customers and all I can do is to move them ASAP somewhere else, where ZO is installed. I have another two ready to join my site, but – as you can guess – I won’t put them here. You know the reason. One of them is a very well know Estate Agent in London and another the biggest supplier of paper stuff for English banks. It’s easy to check for RSP guys what I already have under my RSP CP if someone doubts.

          Meantime, just to let you know – in 2005 most of the commercial scripts will be ZEND encoded! The question is: are we bringing this service to the “next level” or staying as we are?

          I don’t think, it’s a big challenge to install ZO. Correct me if I’m wrong. When I asked another hosting company /ACE-NET/ they installed ZO in less than 24h. And the funniest thing is that ZEND Optimizer is FREE and perfectly supported by IBM and Zend team! What else to expect?

          All I can say is that I will have to rethink my decision about staying here or upgrade my reseller plan with another ******.net to handle my new and existing customers. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to force you or threaten you by saying – I will go very soon from here. But I have no option left. I would like to deliver the best possible service, which will meet today’s standards and people’s expectations. But this is impossible here. That’s all for now.

          Below, just a quote about ZO from their website:

          “Run encoded files and enhance the performance of your PHP scripts - FREE

          The Zend Optimizer is a free application that runs the files encoded by the Zend Encoder and Zend SafeGuard Suite, while enhancing the running speed of PHP applications.


          Enables users to run files encoded by the Zend Encoder
          Increases runtime performance up to 40%.

          For enterprise-class performance enhancement with up to 25X increase in server throughput , try the Zend Performance Suite. The Zend Performance Suite's performance enhancement technology was specifically created to help optimize the responsiveness and processing efficiency of robust, heavily trafficked PHP-based sites.”


          Thank you


          • #6
            I share this opinion but couldn't explain any better with mine english.
            The anwer it wouldn't be not installed surprised me too. But even when ZO is the most popular, same goes for TurckMM Cache that is being used and also free to support.

            All those verry litle things together makes one big.
            Its like making an game but refuse to let it use DirectX ... if that can be used to compare.


            • #7
              I was wondering - will we get any productive answer or explanation on "why not ZO" from our tech guys or is this the one of the "most unwelcomed questions" here? I do not post a ticket, because I think, there's some more people around interested in ZEND Opt.

              Maybe small poll will help to decide?

              Is this really difficult to answer in 24h to someone, who brings few $$ every month? Am I offending RSP guys or make them upset to be ignored this way? Something is missing here...

              With all respect...


              P.S. Hopefuly, I won't be banned.


              • #8

                I can understand your frustration, but you should realize that not *every* host can offer *every* feature. Also, I don't think they're offended. It appears to me from Milen's post that there are just no plans for it. Perhaps you should place a poll in the Suggestions section. Maybe this will be added to the RSP wishlist if enough folks vote saying they need it.

                The popular open-source products run fine. You do need to be careful around some of them, but many of them are fine. For instance, from what I hear, osCommerce is a great program. And so is CreLoaded from what I hear. Just a thought...


                • #9
                  But I also think that ZO is an verry basic part to be installed, its free also.
                  I don’t think, it’s a big challenge to install ZO. Correct me if I’m wrong.
                  I dont know more then verry basics with linux but took couple minutes to have it installed at my own linux box. Its an server wide install meaning 1 install per server for all clients .... hope im correct here.
                  Enables users to run files encoded by the Zend Encoder
                  Increases runtime performance up to 40%.
                  Who does not want that for free?

                  I was writing an artical for my website about why people would want to host at "my" place, making points and telling its all about futures that is more important then having a lot of webspace. But I had to scratch pretty much allready.
                  A car without an steering wheel is pretty much straight forward and no fun


                  • #10
                    Just a tip...

                    Before you offer a service, *you* should check up on it yourself and make sure it includes all of the features you will be marketing. It's a failure on your part if you do not do this, and not a failure of the company providing the service to you.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by WebHoster
                      Just a tip...

                      Before you offer a service, *you* should check up on it yourself and make sure it includes all of the features you will be marketing. It's a failure on your part if you do not do this.
                      I didn't say I put it online allready, I alwayes make sure anything I tell is true before I put it live.


                      • #12
                        Thank you for your advice WebHoster.

                        I still would prefer just a short explanation from RSP guys on “why not”.

                        I understand that there’s no perfect host, which will provide everything we need, but ZO is at the moment as one of the most important features, follow by mySQL and PHP facility on modern hosting services. I do not expect them (RSP) to jump and install it tomorrow, but we have this forum and let’s talk and improve things together.

                        I have mentioned just a few products above, which are very important to me and my customers. As you probably know, most of the retail businesses are going online and the rest will do it very soon. Creating e-commerce websites is very profitable at the moment and will remain for a very long time. That’s why I’m in this small business and earning good peanuts every month. And that’s why I need very good and reliable scripts where, unfortunately, most of them are expensive and ZEND encrypted. Just out of topic – One installed and customized e-commerce website or CMS portal will give me(you) much more $ than 100 customers registered on my RSP CP. Time involved – 2 weeks maximum. Hassle – little. What about 100 customers? At least, 50 of them will ask for something and take my time. If I have an option, I will go for e-commerce stuff instead of 100 hosted customers. If you can benefit somehow from the above explanation, I’ll be very happy to hear you’re earning much more this way than before. I’m ready to help.

                        Going back to ZEND. As I said before, it is supported by IBM. Do we know who IBM is? Yes, we know. Will be more professional scripts encrypted and optimized with ZEND on the market? Yes, most of them. Does ZEND increase the overall performance and decreases download time on PHP scripts? It does. If someone needs some more info about benefits of having ZEND then this way please. www.zend.com

                        I really like osCommerce, but I need something more professional and with proper support and telephone number. That’s why I’ve got TC VN2. Build on osCommerce, nicely skinned, 48 extra plug-ins, easy to install, free missing gateway integration, 49.00 bucks and support telephone number in the UK. What else to expect? How much time do I have to spend to play with osC. to get it to the same stage? I think…..1 week.

                        I just can’t believe 20.000 (?) resellers with at least 1 customer each and no one needs ZO! Maybe I’m the only alien here. But, let’s talk and have a poll.

                        Thank you again WebHoster


                        • #13
                          Arthur, I can understand your need for ZEND Optimizer, however, like any software it is not flawless. Being free and having IBM behind it does not make it perfect.
                          Here is some food for thought. Last time we installed ZEND on one of our servers (not a SS hosting server), we were faced with some serious incompatibility issues with the other software installed on the server. So serious in fact that they rendered the server inoperative. It took some time to find out the incompatibilities and bring the server back online. Now, you would not want this happening on a SS, would you?
                          Just because some software is free, backed by a major IT company and might be useful, does not mean that all software of this type should be installed on our servers.
                          The fact that we have not provided a reason for not planning to install some software does not necessarily make our decision unreasonable.


                          • #14
                            Oh boy, I can definitely relate to that statement. Just look at Lotus Notes and several other software proggies that had huge budget backing but went limp. Kinda like promoting bloatware, all fluff and no stability. How do I know this? Don't ask, won't tell.

                            Originally posted by Milen
                            ...Being free and having IBM behind it does not make it perfect.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Milen
                              Last time we installed ZEND on one of our servers (not a SS hosting server), we were faced with some serious incompatibility issues with the other software installed on the server. So serious in fact that they rendered the server inoperative. It took some time to find out the incompatibilities and bring the server back online. Now, you would not want this happening on a SS, would you?
                              Sounds familiar to those of us on SS20.

                              At least RSP is trying to avoid this.

