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Resellerspanel is killing growth of my reseller business

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  • Resellerspanel is killing growth of my reseller business

    Hello everyone!

    Yes, it's me again. Well recently everything has been going quite well with RSP and I did not have any huge issues with them anymore out of a sudden. Tech base got improved and customer support as well. Well, at least this is what I thought, until I was left completely alon today again.

    Let me first tell you what happened. Well, I am running a resellers store for almost 3 years now and during that time I have learned a lot. One of the things I learned is that I should localize my reseller store, because I am struggling to get clients outside of Germany and mainly outside of the EU. What I did recently was to set up a completely localized reseller store. I spend a lot of time on translating the whole plugin and everything. Then I started promoting the page and it went quite well. However I get frequent complaints about clients not being able to pay with PayPal. They are gtting this message: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.a****ihd.n...acd3439a70f127
    Translated this means: "At this time we can not process your request. Return to LiquidNet Ltd. and choose another option."

    Now the shocking thing is, that I had the same problem when I initially signed up here. But after a call they managed to fix the issue. During the three years I have experienced complaints about this error multiple times, not only from Germany, from other countries as well.

    And now the fact: So far every single client I managed to attract on the German site failed to sign up because of that. They all want to pay with PayPal and nothing else. So they simply choose another host if it does not work.

    So as it happened again today (and I just verified that the same error is happening to me with a fully verified corporate account) I contacted the RSP support about that issue. But guess what? Instead of getting in touch with PayPal and figuring out what is causing this issue, they are just telling me that I should call PayPal. After I told them that the payment is going to their PayPal account (well, could be that support is not aware of that), so it is their issue and they have to call PayPal, they simply said: "I am afraid that there is nothing we can do if PayPal decides to refuse the payments of your clients. We have no control over PayPal's regulations and rules, so there is nothing much we can do regarding this matter."

    Well, now that is easy to say. After all they are loosing money by this error as well. And as so many potential clients experienced this error (about 28 so far), I can't be the only one who is experiencing this issue. So anyone who has the same issues, please rise your voice here. This ignorance of RSP is unbearable.

    A really disappointed and sad reseller is saying thanks for reading.

    Have a good one!

  • #2
    I have never come across this error before So I cant really help from any kind of experience. The forum software is censoring your link so I cant look at the message. Where is the error message being served from? From your description it sounds like Paypal is refusing the payment and referring back to RSP(Liquidnet) have you ever asked Paypal about the issue?


    • #3
      I did at first when I signed up with RSP initially. They were not able to help. RSP fixed it for me back then. But nowadays they do not want to anymore. The error appears after signing in to PayPal to process the payment. Just google for my translation. You will find tons of info on this. Merchant is the one who has to sort that out - in this case RSP.


      • #4
        Just a very odd and quite an unhelpful error message! I know Paypal have recently tightened up security and have to obtain the customers address which must also match the address Paypal holds. This is a bit strange for the likes of a service which cant be "delivered" to a physical address, but a requirement for the transaction to be successful on Paypal's end. I've had similar issues with Paypal and eBay and my address not matching thanks to my local council deciding to change my address on me! Maybe that is why Digital Ocean flagged me for fraud!!


        • #5
          Must be country specific... I ordered a domain of my reseller site not to long ago and payed with Paypal with no errors... 28 sales went to the payment page with an error..... thats a good chunk of sales and I'm surprised RSP isn't all over it. Yeah I remember you were working on translating everything pretty good while back ago, you put alot of work into that strasser and I sure hope everything comes together....


          • #6
            28 sales errors? You're right, RSP SHOULD be all over this. That they aren't and are telling you to "call Paypal yourself" when it's THEIR problem is something I find quite disappointing.


            • #7
              Luckily I have just got one customer who is willing to process the payment manually to RSP


              • #8

                forum member coffebreak was asking some questions of having multiple lanuages in this thread:

                You translated the plugin to a different language. If you could share some advice there it would be appreciated, if you don't mind..


                • #9
                  Listen, if one can pay with PayPal everywhere, except to the RSP account, the issue is clearly on the end of RSP. It is your account that payments to get declined from PayPal. This is in no way my problem or the problem of my potential customers who are unable to pay with PayPal. So get in touch with this company and try to get that sorted out!

                  Btw: Just had another bad surprise with support. Yesterday evening they sent me a payment ID and a payment address that I should forward to one of my clients for manual PayPal payment (this is working). Today I've got an angry Email from the client, why the account has still not been created. So I got in touch again with support and what do they tell me? They sent me the wrong payment email address. So I finally had a client who was willing to do the payment manually instead of just running away, and guess what? Now I lost him again thanks to the unprofessional guys over at RSP. I am going nuts here....

                  EDIT: And the story continues! I managed talking the client into giving it one last try. He did. Now the account is finally set up - but the domain that has been entered during registration is not in his account (by the way: this happened before a few months back with another client). So I contacted the support about that again. And what do they tell me? "The Starter plan that your client has ordered does not include a free domain name registration."
                  Now the registration page is telling otherwise, it says: "1 free promo domain registration". They obviously don't know what is going on in their system...

                  And @yav0r: Don't expect that I even read your lengthy post in full. I know that RSPs business philosophy is "always blame the client first". I've never experiences it in a different way and I do not even expect to anymore.

                  Edit2: So the missing free domain issue has been explained. It was disabled in the resellers control panel for this store. Yet this does still not explain two things:
                  1.) Why does the order form display wrong information?
                  2.) Why did the registration during signup did not go through?
                  I demand the free domain registration for this customer now... but I doubt they will do it. So in the end I will be the one again who has to pay the bill. THANKS RSP FOR SCREWING IT UP AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!
                  Last edited by StrasserC; 19-06-2014, 11:43 AM.


                  • #10
                    Yes, it is all in my head and everything is working fine. And regarding the client: You better read what I wrote before: "I managed talking the client into giving it one last try. He did."

                    Know what? Screw you! Ban me from the forum and make me shut up, leave me alone as usual. I will stop now promoting and working on my stores and just pay for the stuff so the existing client accounts will be kept alive as they are now. Game over with RSP for me. Bye guys.


                    • #11
                      Ok, I apologize to you for going completely mad now. Just one last post before I leave and think about stuff before making a final decision:
                      I have only rarely had a satisfying experience with the RSP support. There are tons of issues that have still not been sorted out like for example the mail server connection issues that have been mentioned in the forums by other people before. Even these days I still get these errors. Just one example of the ignorance RSP is showing again and again. But thats not the topic here.

                      There is a huge issue with the automatic PayPal payments through stores. I just tried it again and I keep getting the PayPal error message. My new client just tried paying the domain and he got the error message (he opened a ticket about that by the way). I even just let 10 of my friends trying it and they all get the PayPal error message. I called PayPal just now and they say I have to contact the Merchant as there seems to be some API misconfiguration. So the problem is there and it is up to you to keep ignoring it and blaming your customers for that, or to start investigating and actually be somehow of help!

                      Sorry again for shouting at you and now I will leave here for a day and see what happens. If something is being taken about this issue finally, I might revise my decision of leaving here and keep promoting. My German store could've been running well.... just saying.

                      Have a good one!


                      • #12
                        Please guys, take a deep breath and calm down a bit. At the end of the day, everyone wants the same thing, a successful reseller.

                        The free domain can be toggled off and on by the reseller. If added the wholesale price of the plan is increased by a "promotional" priced domain. I cant remember exactly but its around $8-9. A reseller can choose to sell the plan without a promotional domain. For example, a Starter plan without the promotional domain cost and a domain actually costs less. There are also some times a client might not want a domain name as well, or has one elsewhere.

                        Before you walk away, will you pvt me your reseller store please? I haven’t witnessed this error, but by your previous posts this is something that is causing you a lot of stress. Lets see if we can get to the bottom of it.
                        Last edited by clivejo; 19-06-2014, 01:13 PM.


                        • #13
                          Ok, I can see that you have two stores, one English with dollar prices and one German with euro prices (well done on the German store, must have taken you ages). Are you only experiencing the Paypal issue on the German store?


                          • #14
                            No, its the same on both stores. And it also happens on RSP's official websites. So its with their whole system and not only with my stores.


                            • #15
                              Well if it were just strasserc's personal paypal account causing this error trying to purchase I could see where he might need to be calling paypal to see what is going on.... What I have gathered from from strasserc is multiple individual paypal accounts are giving the same error when trying to purchase from his reseller site.... the signup form and payment page are hosted remotely and the paypal billing account is rsp's.... there is no way really a reseller can modify these to cause payment errors...... 28 failed sales are not random errors either.. so yeah I would have a support ticket open too.... Hopefully Yan can find out what the problem is from paypal pretty quick.....

