Today, at around 12 AM GMT, we were forced to perform an urgent replacement of the IP addresses of all domains and subdomains currently hosted on This was due to a flood attack whose target website we have failed to determine. All customers, managing their DNS somewhere else, must update their IP address to the corresponding new IP address, which can be found in the Custom DNS Records section of the Web Hosting Control Panel.
The process of determining the website that was subject to the flood attack might take another 48 hours, meaning that within that period at least one more IP change will have to be performed (a change back to the original IP address or a change to a different IP address), before the attacked website finally comes to light.
If you are not managing your DNS from somewhere else - no intervention on your side is demanded. The inconvenience in this case is that your website will display an error message of the type 'Your website has been configured', or similar, until the DNS cache gets cleared (within 20-30 minutes). According to RFC (Request for Comments) - this process is as time-consuming as is the domain name TTL, in this case - 10 minutes. However, the majority of DNSs do not comply with that standard and cache the results for a longer period of time.
The process of determining the website that was subject to the flood attack might take another 48 hours, meaning that within that period at least one more IP change will have to be performed (a change back to the original IP address or a change to a different IP address), before the attacked website finally comes to light.
If you are not managing your DNS from somewhere else - no intervention on your side is demanded. The inconvenience in this case is that your website will display an error message of the type 'Your website has been configured', or similar, until the DNS cache gets cleared (within 20-30 minutes). According to RFC (Request for Comments) - this process is as time-consuming as is the domain name TTL, in this case - 10 minutes. However, the majority of DNSs do not comply with that standard and cache the results for a longer period of time.