To the attention of all resellers! With regard to the laboured performance and reseller web hosting servers have been showing lately due to overload and other problems, we are glad to inform you that final resolution to the problem has been found and the customers’ websites will be working flawlessly again after we take the necessary measures.
The procedure will consist of addition of new HDDs (Hard Disk Drives) to the servers and re-organization of the customers' web hosting accounts, so as to better consume the servers’ resources from this time on.
The maintenance will be carried out in the next two days. Several very short downtimes might be experienced during the hard disks addition, however we would like to reassure you that those will be worth your patience bearing in mind the final positive result.
Thank you very much for your understanding in this matter. We firmly hope that after this maintenance procedure the servers will no longer experience difficulties of any kind.
Best Regards,