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RSP WordPress Template and Plugin

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  • #16
    Hi Yan,

    Ive used both, but neither work. Ive noticed that all my Outbound connection exceptions have gone, could this be a result of my account migration which took place last night?


    • #17
      Yes the outgoing filters are only valid per server and are not transferable.

      You will need to add the exceptions once again or simply disable the outgoing connections filter as a whole.


      • #18
        I disabled the Outgoing connection manager and it works. For security reasons I dont want to leave it disabled. So I re-enabled it again and added the IP address of the API and it works.

        But I'm concerned as to why the Outgoing connection manager is no longer informing me of the blocks. Yes is doing its job, but how can I manage the blocked connections if I dont know its blocking them? This has only been the case since I was migrated to the cloud, could something have gone wrong during the migration?


        • #19
          It is possible and likely in the same time. You should update the ticket which was for the migration of the account and tell our technicians that the outgoing connection filter is not listing the IPs anymore after the migration so they can investigate and correct this for you.


          • #20
            I have done. But I dont think they believe me!

            The filter will need some time to update the information in the Outgoing connections menu of your account. In this case if you are aware of the IP addresses you can add them via the Outgoing connections menu > Add IP Address button.
            The problem is the IP's I'm not aware of! Scripts dialling home to check for updates, all of which no longer work on my migrated account


            • #21
              PM me the ticket number please.


              • #22
                How to get rid of this?

                How do I get rid of this. I could look around a bit more, but figured it'd be faster asking here.


                • #23
                  You have to edit the php file.

                  1) Go to your WP Dashboard
                  2) Select Appearance, Editor
                  3) On the right of the editor is a list of php files, you need to select footer.php
                  4) Remove the following line

                  HTML Code:
                  <li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><a href="<?php echo $GLOBALS['rp_info']['store_name']?>">Reseller Hosting</a></li>
                  5) Click Update File
                  6) Reload the site and you should see the change.

                  PS : This is a template file, so if the template changes or is updated you have to re-do this
                  Last edited by clivejo; 10-11-2012, 03:01 PM.


                  • #24
                    One last question

                    Under the article pages on the side menu, how do I remove "What is exactly hosting reseller?"


                    • #25
                      I'm not sure, I removed the articles. Have you tried deleting the page in WP?


                      • #26
                        Thats probally what Ill end up doing, just deleting them and removing them from the bottom menu.

                        Seems like alot of things are hidden, still trying to find the text under the Shared Plan page. Ill evntually find everything I need.


                        • #27
                          I copied the content and intend to make my own FAQ/Articles section at some point.


                          • #28
                            Trying to customize it as much as I can. Thinking of adding a forum also.
                            Last edited by hawk200282; 12-11-2012, 02:14 AM.


                            • #29
                              I would think twice about a forum! They are spam and bot magnets and you can spend hours in administration of it. If you think you have a big enough customer base and some people who can help run it, then by all means. They are great for allowing people to help each other and give a sense of community.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by hawk200282 View Post
                                Seems like alot of things are hidden, still trying to find the text under the Shared Plan page. Ill evntually find everything I need.
                                Some things are hard coded into php files.

                                For example the Contact Us form is part of the Reseller plug-in (/resellerspanel/templates/) called contactus_form.php . I modified it to default to UK with Ireland as the next in the selection. Makes things easier for my potential customers, rather that scrolling through lists of countries!

                                If you edit the page concerned and come across a command in square brackets ie [contactus_form] then this means its part of the reseller plug-in. I haven’t come across an easy way to edit these files online, I just edit them via Filezilla.

